Leadership and management are two very different terms, yet they serve very important roles in the success of a business.


Leadership is providing guidance, direction and headship to a group of people with a clear vision and set of goals.


Management, on the other hand, is the accountability mechanisms set in place to ensure the achievement of pre-set goals. Both are very important and require development.

The development provided for leaders and/or managers is anchored in one being self aware first. From that we share the key tenets to successful leadership and management that lead to high impact outcomes for individuals and businesses. We spend time going through the Myers Briggs Type Indicator Assessment (adaptive work), John Maxwell Leadership Training (adaptive and technical work) and then Vision and Goal setting (adaptive and technical work). The combination of these bodies of work are core to the full development of leaders and managers.

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At KCK Coaching and Consulting, we believe that every coach needs a coach. Connected to this, every executive leader and manager needs an executive coach and accountability partner. We look forward to helping you and your organization soar beyond measure!