Executive Coaching

Research has shown that executive coaching exponentially accelerates the capacity of executive leaders as well as highly increases their chances of remaining in their organization. KCK Executive Coaching includes building upon specific competencies pre-identified and mutually agreed upon with the coach and coachee as well as “real-time” support in the midst of leadership triumphs and trials.

KCK Executive Coaching is:

Customized to the need of the executive

Focused and targeted based on the executive’s needs





KCK Executive coaching Includes:

  • Leadership training, development and support

  • Organizational vision, priority and goal setting

  • MBTI analysis for executive (and can include MBTI for the team)

  • Strengths analysis

  • 360 feedback loops to strengthen the executive’s leadership

  • Real time affirmations and feedback

  • Strategic planning protocols and models

  • One-on-one support from highly qualified executive coaches

At KCK Coaching and Consulting, we believe that every coach needs a coach. Connected to this, every executive leader needs an executive coach. We look forward to helping you and your organization soar beyond measure!

Reach out to someone on our team today to learn more!